Late Blooming Business for Souvenirs & Beverages on “5.1 Labour Day”


Busy and crowded at Central area

Source: Macau Daily News

Monday, 1st May, 2017

Late blooming business for souvenirs & beverages on “5.1 Labour Day”

Although “5.1 Labour Day” holidays began on Saturday, but there was no sign of enormous tourists on the first day and the business performance was relatively poor. As the second day was Sunday, the Central area had been flooded with tourists. One of the gift vendor said that as business has started to improve in late April, and the prosper phenomenon has lingered on until “5.1 Labour Day.” Business is expected to increase more than 10% over the same period of last year. Meanwhile, one beverage vendor noted that business has been far better than expected, with a huge increase of 30 to 40%.


Every year, the “5.1 Labour Day” Little Golden Week tends to attract a lot of tourists to visit Macau. As yesterday was a Sunday, the area along Central area, especially Rua de S. Paul Street was extremely crowded as compared to weekdays. The blooming business has kept the vendors very busy.


Retail and wholesale businesses have also increased


Souvenirs shop owner Mr. Ling noted that business was significantly good in April with a 20% growth over the same period last year. He expected the business will increase more than 10% due to sales improvement in the advent of “5.1 labour Day” holidays. He has strong confidence regarding the future business growth. In addition, the customer purchasing power has gradually picked up with per capita consumption of several hundred dollars due possibly to increasingly clear economic outlook. However, fierce competition has reduced the market share. He admitted that as his company focused in wholesale, orders within the industries have helped his business to increase.


Another gift vendor reflected that yesterday’s business was not bad, with a growth of 10 to 20% over the weekdays. The store welcomes tourists with electronic payment that would eventually attract more Chinese visitors.


Business of cross-street beverage vendors have also been benefited


The hot weather has brought business opportunities for ice cream and beverage vendors. One beverage store owner said that business on “5.1 Labour Day” was beyond expectation with more than 30% increase in people. Stores located along the cross streets have also been flooded by tourists. To meet with demand, part time workers were hired and a total of 200 cups of drinks sold on that day, helping business to increase by 30 to 40%.

Another ice cream store owner said that as his durian ice cream was made of real ingredients, which was welcomed by consumers. However the high ingredient cost has marked up the retail price of such ice cream. The owner lamented that the current purchasing power is weaken. People tend to ask, but only a handful of people would actually consume. Business has not been improved by the “5.1 Labour Day” holidays as consumers become more consciously on the price. The unfavorable sales of expensive items were compensated by the low end desserts favours by the general public. Star fruit juice has been selling well, thereby helping to balance the business and it is expected to increase slightly by 5 to 10%.

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