IACM Introduces the Online Price List Notification for Restaurants

Source: www.iacm.gov.mo/onestop-fnb

To cope with e-government policy of Macau government, the ICM launched an online price list notification service for restaurants in October to keep abreast of the latest price list on Internet. There are currently more than 100 submissions for price list application through the online platform.

In accordance with Article 35 of Decree No. 16/96/M, whenever the restaurants update the price lists, they must notify the IACM as the department issuing the licenses. As long as the restaurant owner login the online system, they can easily update the price lists through the new price list online notification service.

The service is developed for the interest of restaurants’ owners and is an improvement measure for the licensing process for a user-friendly measures. To promote such service to the catering industry in Macau, the IACM has set up temporary service counter and hold a special seminar at Macau Chamber of Commerce, the United Association of Food and Beverage Merchants of Macau, and the Federal General Commercial Association of Macau Small and Medium Enterprises in late October to November to help the subordinate members to complete the online account activation process, and introduce the online system and operational processes.

Owners are required to apply a online account at the service centre of IACM. After completing the application, they will be able to login the online price list notification system through the restaurants licensing website (www.iacm.gov.mo/onestop-fnb) to update their latest price lists.

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